Friday, June 11, 2021

SOLVED - Error " there is no package called ‘bslib’ " on Heroku deployment from GitHub repository

In this tutorial we'll learn how to solve the  error " there is no package called ‘bslib’ " on Heroku deployment from GitHub repository  

This error occurs while deploying an app to Heroku from a GitHub repository . Your app works perfectly on your development machine, but it would fail on deployment, like this :

Step by step how to  solve the error " there is no package called ‘bslib’ " on Heroku deployment from GitHub repository  

First of all, notice that it seems to be an ENCODING problem : something does not look good with these symbols :  " â€˜bslib’ "

So probably you just have been trying of changing the encoding for your files, also at your machine or uploading again the files to your repository at GitHub.

However, nothing seems to help.

But if you take a closer look, the error states "...NO package called..."  : the PACKAGES are not there.

And inside the word  â€˜bslib’  you can realise the name of the unknown package .

So check whether you are loading this package :

In case you are not loading it, just add it to the setup installations : 

So, redeploy and take a look again: the app is now working:

That's all.... 
In this tutorial we've seen how to solve the  error " there is no package called ‘bslib’ " on Heroku deployment from GitHub repository  .
Happy programming.....
      By Carmel Shvartzman

כתב: כרמל שוורצמן

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

SOLVED - How to fix the Azure error "You do not have permission to view this directory or page" while deploying .NET Core 3.1 Angular Web App

  In this article we review how to fix the Azure error "You do not have permission to view this directory or page" while deploying .NET Core 3.1 Angular Web App  using Angular 9/10,  looking like this :

SOLVED - How to fix the Azure error "You do not have permission to view this directory or page" while deploying .NET Core 3.1 Angular Web App

This error message is quite misleading, since you do have all permissions to enter your own website, of which you are the administrator:

In order to see the error logs, on the AZURE dashboard, search for the App Service Logs:

And switch on all logs. Next, open the Log Streams to see the logs:

Next, search for the KUDU console, to open the KUDU web site and see what's going on with your site:

Press on "Go":

Also, you can open KUDU by typing https://<your app name>

After KUDU will open, open the Debug Console:

Here you can check whether everything is fine with your web site, especially if the wwwroot contains your files or if the hierarchy of the web site is incorrect.

The problem with the hierarchy of the site, is that the "Deploy to Web App..." of the Azure Extension may not deploy adequately your site. 

You probably selected your PUBLISH folder to deploy:

But instead, Azure deployed a PARENT folder ("bin\release"), therefore the integrity of your Azure web site will remain corrupted:

To solve this, open the Azure App Service extension, and open its settings:

There, change the PATH of the deployed folder:

The path MUST point to "Publish" :

You can also uncheck the Deploy Confirmation there:

Now deploy again your website:

Open Azure's KUDU, and you'll see the hierarchy fixed : 

Your Azure's website should be working by now!!!

That's All!!! In this tutorial we saw how to fix the Azure error "You do not have permission to view this directory or page" while deploying .NET Core 3.1 Angular Web App  using Angular 9/10.
Enjoy .NET Core .....

      by Carmel Schvartzman

כתב: כרמל שוורצמן